This video details how to send a Flow to an employee at another InstitueThere are opportunities to send a workflow to an NIH employee outside your IC.  

When Creating a Template

You must be an admin to edit a Template.

From the homepage click the Manage Template/Delegate button and select Manage Templates from the drop-down.

Once on the Manage Templates page use the select Template dropdown to choose the template you want to edit.

On the right-hand side under the Routes section, there will be an IC dropdown next to each route. Use the IC drop down to select the IC you need to route to.

It is optional to select the employee from that IC during this step. When you begin typing the employee's last name the system will be searching for employees you have selected. If you select an employee's name here then when this template is used that name will be prepopulated.  

When Initiating a New WorkFlow

When initiating a new workflow you can select a different IC than what was set up in the template.

When editing the Routing section there is an IC drop-down next to each Route. As you select different IC's the available employees will change to populate results from the IC you selected. You can edit the IC for an existing route but you can also add a new route that can be edited in the same manner.

During a WorkFlow

At any point during a workflow, the routing network can be edited. 

Click the Modify WorkkFlow Route(s) hyperlink from the WorkFlow page. From the pop-up modal the routing network will be listed. Routes that have already passed are grayed out and can not be edited. Future routes can be changed. There is an IC drop-down next to each route that you can use to change the IC for that step. The same IC drop down can be edited if you add an additional Route from this step.