The FTE/Cost screen analyzes an employee's FTE and Cost contributions to an organization.  This page displays information about salary and benefits, listing CAN, year-to-date (YTD) and remaining salary and benefit information, and payroll histories. The FTE/Cost screen automatically calculates FTE usage and salary costs for each employee.

Information is divided into two sections – FTE Information and Cost Information – which can be accessed by clicking the appropriate tabs. Only the Cost Information Screen can be accessed for non-ceiling employees; FTE information cannot be accessed for non-ceiling employees. All non-ceiling employees count as zero FTEs.

How to edit data of the FTE and Cost Screen

Following are descriptions of the FTE and Cost screen.

Tour of Duty 

Reflects the number of regularly scheduled hours in a pay period. This information can be edited by clicking on the field, updating the hours, and clicking Save Modifications to Current. Note that a normal FTE employee should show a Tour of Duty of 80. 

Position Incumbency 

Reflects whether the employee is permanent or temporary, full time or part time. This information can be edited by clicking on the arrow, selecting the appropriate option from the drop-down menu, and clicking Save Modifications to Current when you have correctly edited the information.


The employee’s start, departure, and NTE dates are displayed here. Beacon HR automatically recalculates the projections (FTE or Salary and Benefits) when you change the departure or NTE dates. To edit these dates, simply click on the field and update the information. When you are finished, press Save Modifications to Current to save your changes.

We recommend editing the Planned NTE Date when there is a change to an employee's departure date. 

To view FTE or Cost information for a different FY, press the down arrow next to Show Payroll Information from Fiscal Year and select a new FY from the available drop-down menu. When you have chosen the new FY, click Go!, and the new data will appear on the FTE screen.

View/Edit Payroll Information 

  1. Click on the YTD amount you would like to View/Edit.  This will open the Beacon HR Payroll Information, where users can find a summary of the information in the HRDB payroll files.
  2. The Payroll Data Screen shows the ending date of each pay period, how many hours were worked in each pay period, and the employee’s current gross salary and benefits. 
  3. Users with certain edit rights can adjust the number of hours that were worked in a pay period by clicking anywhere on the row of the pay period to be adjusted. The hours worked in that Pay Period will now be modifiable.
  4. Edit the hours worked as necessary and click SAVE to save your changes. Click CANCEL to restore the original PP hours.