The Education screen provides a concise view of the employee’s education background. Information available from this screen includes the following: year of degree, degree, type, academic discipline, and university. Additionally, there is a column to indicate whether or not this information is official. Official degrees are listed by date, and are check marked under the official column.
Users with edit privileges can add new education information and edit or delete existing education information. The "Highest Degree Obtained" by the employee can be changed by clicking on the field and selecting a new degree level from the available drop-down menu.
Add a New Degree
Users with appropriate privileges can add a new degree. If no Education records exist for this employee, click Add one now? to add a new Education record.
If an Education record already exists for an employee, click Add + to add a new Education record.
In the first field, enter the year the degree was awarded. In subsequent fields, click in the field to select the degree and academic discipline from the drop-down options. If you are entering a doctoral degree, enter the type of doctorate in the Doctorate field, once again using the drop-down menu options.
In the University field, enter the name of the University from where the degree was obtained. Users cannot fill out whether or not the degree is official, because the information must be recognized by HRDB. Official degrees cannot be edited, but unofficial degrees can be modified and/or deleted.
Edit a Degree
To modify a degree, click in the field you would like to update.
Then, enter the updated information. When you have finished, click Save to save your changes.
Delete a Degree
To delete a degree, simply click the [X] button next to the degree you would like to remove.
At the prompt “Are you sure you want to delete this education record? Continue?”, click OK.