To simplify nominating an employee for an award, Beacon HR includes an “Awards Nomination Form” that can be filled out online and printed to hardcopy. Beacon HR will automatically fill out the necessary employee information needed to nominate an employee for an award to eliminate the tedious task of researching an employee’s organization, slot number, and appointment.

How to Submit an Awards Nomination Form

To submit the Employee Recognition Form:

  1. Navigate to the awards page of the employee you would like to nominate         
    • Click on the Employees name, then click on "Awards" from the Navigation toolbar).From the Awards page screen, users can fill out an Employee Recognition Form for an employee.
  2. Click the Awards Nomination Form link.
  3. A modifiable interface of the Employee Recognition Form will open. Fill out the data fields.
    • If you are not ready to print the form, click "Save". You can return to this form for this employee at another time. Note that if you were to navigate to the Reports Module and click on the Employee Recognition Form link, the form would populate based on the information from the last viewed employee in the Positions Module.
    • If you would like to print the Report, click Lock and Print
  4. Click Print to print the report

Awards Nomination Form Breakdown

Part 1: Employee Information:

  • Use the radio buttons to indicate if you are nominating an individual or a group for the award
  • Specify over what span of time the award covers by filling out the fields for “From” and “To” dates.

Part 2: Type of Awards Recognition:

  • Click the appropriate radio button to indicate award type.

Part 2: Award Amount Calculation: 

  • A. Tangible Savings First-Year Benefit Amount: If the award is being granted for an employee suggestion that exceeds job requirements and results in tangible benefits having a value of $250 or more, enter the amount of such award in this text box.
  • B. Intangible Savings:  In some cases the monetary value of an employee's contribution cannot be traced to a measurable monetary value. In these cases, the value of the award shall be determined on the basis of its value or benefit to Federal government operations after full consideration of such factors as extent of application, significance of the suggestion, and importance of the programs affected. Click the appropriate radio buttons to indicate the value of the benefits that resulted from the employee's contribution and the extent of the contribution's application to the institute.

Part 2 Justification - Summarize Employee's Contribution:

  • Use this area to explain why you are nominating the employee(s) for the award.

Part 3: Signing Officials:

  • Indicate the names and titles of the officials initiating, endorsing, approving, reviewing, and handling the fiscal terms, for the award.

Group Award Format:

  • Use this section to include other employee information if this is a group award.
  • To add an employee to the Group Award, enter the amount of hours awarded and the employee’s administrative officer’s email address in the available data fields. In the Employee field type in some of the employees name and select the employee from the drop-down list. 

  • When you have filled out the data sets, press the (+) button. Add more employee’s by repeating this process.

  • To delete an employee from nomination for a group award, simply press the (X) button. Be certain you would like to delete the record before you perform this action.