Within Beacon Flow, Admin Users can assign employees a delegate for any Flow user. A delegate can review and sign in place of the employee they are assigned to. The system will send emails out to both employees when a need for review or approval is sent. 

To start, click on the Flow Navigation icon and select Manage Delegates.

How to Add a New Delegate

From the Manage Delegates page use the Add Delegate Assignment form to add a new Delegate. 

In this example, a user is trying to add the Deputy Executive Officer as a Delegate for the Executive Officer.

The first text box is for the delegate. Aka who will be the backup to the main contact. In this example the Deputy EO

The second text box is whom the delegate is for. In other words who the main contact is that requires a delegate. In this example the EO.

If you check that this is a permanent delegate the date boxes will be grayed out. A permanent delegate can be edited and deleted at a later date. 

If this is not a permanent delegate define the start and end dates for the delegate's roles. For example, if an employee is on vacation there may be a limited window when the delegate is needed.

Finally, add a reason, for example, vacation or deputy, and click Save. The delegate will be added to the list on the left.

How to edit an existing Delegate

Begin by clicking the Edit Icon for the delegate you want to edit

The delegate form on the left will refresh to reflect that you are editing an existing delegate record and the information for that delegate will be populated. With the new field you can edit any of the information including who the delegate is and the time frame. Click Save when you are finished.