This 3-minute video will overview the basics of the Budget Data entry screen.

Who Can Add/Edit/Delete Budgets?

Only users marked with the Can edit Budgets permission update Budgets. You can find this information under your user profile page. (Admin --> My Stuff --> User Profile)

How do I access the Budgets Data Entry Screen?

Under the Planning menu tab click on the Budget Roll-up Screen

How do I enter a new Budget?

  1. Find the Account within the account hierarch
    • You can use the Account search feature or manually open the account folders 
  2. For a new OO budget click the Edit OO button. For a new PS budget click the Edit PS button
  3. From the pop-up, use the Add row to enter a Title, Funding FY amount, and optional note. 
  4. Click Add and close the popup window. 
  5. Repeat these to add additional budgets

How are Budgets Calculated?

Budgets can be entered at any level in the account hierarchy. If a new budget entry is added to a CAN or subfolder level then the budget will automatically roll up to the above folders all the way to the top level.

In the below example, there are budgets entered for 3 CANs totaling $9,200. This is automatically rolled up to the Grants Committee folder. A note is included that the budget at the folder level has been auto-summed.

An important note. If a user enters a budget for an account that has an auto-summed budget amount, then Beacon will replace the auto-summed amount with the manual entry. For example, if we replace the auto-summed amount from the previous example with a manually added $2,000 this will replace the original $9,200 auto-summed amount. 

How are Budgets displayed across all views?

If a budget is entered at a CAN level then this budget amount will be transferred to all views that contain this CAN. The budget amount will automatically roll up in each individual view with that CAN.

If a budget is entered at a summary account (folder level) then the amount will only be transferred to views that have mirrored the folder. In other words if the folder (same account number exists in both views then the budget will be transferred. However, if the folder does not exist in a different view then the budget will not be transferred. We recommend entering budgets at the Master view to ensure the data is passed to children's views.

How do I find the details for the total Budget? 

Click on the Edit OO or Edit PS button to open the details of the budgets for that account. This data can be exported to excel or as a CSV file

How can I find a history of changes to the Budget

  1. Navigate to the audit log. Found under the Admin tab --> View Audit Log
  2. Update the first two drop-down filters to "Data Changes" and "Budget"
  3. Optionally you can include a custom date range and a search term
    • Search terms are wide-ranging, but can include the user that made the budget change or the CAN/Account #