The Account Structure page displays the Financial data of CANs (Common Accounting Numbers) included in the view selected. The accounts page is customizable with the ability to add and edit the data columns that are displayed on screen.

How to Change a View

view is created by an IC system admin. Each view has a unique organization of CAN's and summary accounts. The master view contains all CAN's at the IC, while other views contain a subset of CANs. CANs are organized into summary accounts and the data from the CAN level is summarized to the top Summary Account level. You can use the account hierarchy of the view to drill into summary account folders down to the CAN level.

On every screen there is view and FY dropdown option found near the top right corner of the screen. Click on the view name to open a pop-up that will allow you to change the view. From the new pop-up click on the Choose View drop-down option. Select a view from the available options.