*Please note that the Unconditional Gift Fund data can only be edited by Beacon Finance users with Budget editing privileges*
1. Add New Checks
- Under the Multi-Year Tab, click Unconditional Gifts and Add/Edit Unconditional Gift Fund.
- Click the Add New button (Found near the bottom of the screen) to begin entering the check data
- In the bottom row, enter the data points and click save. (Tip: as you enter data, you click the tab to jump to the next column)
- When entering checks note that all check amounts will be grouped by the disease category and area. If no disease category or area has been entered, the checks will be grouped as uncategorized.
- A check must first be Allotted and Approved before it will appear on the balance report.
- When first entering a check, a CAN is not a required field. These checks can later be assigned but otherwise contribute to the overall unconditional gift fund pool.
2. Assign Checks to be Approved
- From the Unconditional Gift Collections data entry screen, click the Assign Approvals button to distribute checks to fund a CAN or Area.
- Checkboxes will appear next to all checks that have an allotted amount that has not yet been approved. Check mark all checks that will be used to fund a new CAN/Area.
- Note that all checked items must have the same task number and disease category.
- As you checkmark multiple rows, the screen will tally the sum of the check amounts. Once enough funds have been selected, click the Assign Checked button.
- In the pop up modal to approve the checks, identify the CAN, Area, Branch, and Division. The Task number will be prepopulated based on the checks information. You may enter an Approved Amount dollar less than or equal to the sum of the checks. If you enter an amount less than the available check sum the remaining balance will be added to the check with the largest amount.
- Click Assign. A new CAN has been created in the UCG balance reports
4. Review the Balance Report
- There are two Unconditional gift Blanance Reports (found under the Multi-Year tab / Unconditional Gifts / UGF Balances or UGF CAN Balances)
- The UGF Balance report groups CANs by their Disease Category and Area
- The UGF CAN Balances groups checks only by the CAN they were assigned to
- The Task Balances will be calculated based on total collections for the task minus total obligations against the task number over all FY's