*Please note that the CRADA Fund data can only be edited by Beacon Finance users with Budget editing privileges*
1. Create a New CRADA Fund
- Under the Multi-Year Tab, click CRADA and Add/Edit CRADA Fund.
- Click the Add CRADA button (Found near the bottom of the screen)
- In the bottom row, enter the data points and click save. (Tip: as you enter data, you can click the tab to jump to the next column)
- If an account number is not known at this time, leave the CAN value as TBD.
2. Add a new CAN to an existing CRADA (optional)
- From the CRADA data entry screen, use the screen filters to locate the CRADA you are adding a new CAN for.
- Click the Add New CAN icon next to the CRADA.
- A new editable row will appear, and all data associated with the CRADA will be automatically populated.
- Edit the information unique to the CAN and click the Save button (for example, Branch and PI)
3. Add Collections
- Using the screen filters to locate the account that will be receiving new collections.
- Next to the account, click the $ icon to navigate to the Collections data entry screen.
- From the Collections data entry screen, click on the Add New button found near the bottom of the screen.
- Fill out the relevant data for each new check received in this row. Once complete, click Save
- If the Check has been Allotted, remember to change the Pending Status to Allotted. If a check is left in the Pending status, the funds will not be included in the Balance report.
- Filling out the Task Number column correctly is essential to creating an accurate balance report. The data entered here will be used to calculate the accounts balance by Task.
- You can leave some data unfilled and return later to edit and update data when the information is known.
4. Transfer Funds
- When funds are moved from one CRADA account to another, use the Transfers screen to make the transfer in Beacon.
- Click on the tab Multi-Year / CRADA / Transfers.
- From the Transfers screen click Add Transfer to start a new transfer.
- From the pop-up modal, enter the account that is sending the funds in the Transfer From box and the account that is receiving the funds in the Transfer To box. The Period FY represents the year that the year the funds are being transferred in, and the Task number represents the year that the funds are transferring from. If the funds are available to spend, mark the allotment status as allotted.
- Click Save. You will now see two transaction data entries on the Transfer screen. One entry for the funds leaving the account (with a negative dollar amount) and one entry for the funds entering the account (with a positive dollar amount)
4. Review the CRADA Balance Report
- The CRADA Blanance Report (found under the Multi-Year tab / CRADA / CRADA Balances) will now include the recently added account.
- The Task Balances will be calculated based on total collections for the task minus total obligations against the task number over all FY's