From the Workforce Planning Tab, users can add and edit Admin Code ceilings for FTE utilization-specific employee ceiling numbers or PS costs. 

Add a New Ceiling 

1. Navigate to the WorkForce Planning summary page. Click the Planning tab dropdown and select Ceiling Planning

2. Select the FY, from the FY dropdown, that you want to edit ceilings for. 

3. Use the search bar to find the Admin code that you want to add a ceiling. As you type your search, a go-to results button will appear. Click on the go to results button and select the Organization from the drop down list. 

4. Click the edit icon next to the organization name

4. From the pop-up modal enter the new ceilings and relevant notes into the text box next to the ceiling type. In the below screenshot, we are adding an FTE ceiling level of 10 for this Admin Code.

5. Click Save, and the Ceiling levels will be saved and used for reporting on the Dashboard.