From the Admin Module, users with "Modify User" Privileges can create and edit users' privileges to Beacon Finance. 

How to Add a User

1. First navigate to the Admin Tab and click Create User

2. From the Create User page, start by searching for the User's last name in the text box and selecting from the filtered list. After selecting the name from the filtered list, click the Search button. This will repopulate the user information, including the name and NED ID. 

3. Grant user privileges by check marking what a user is permitted to do in Beacon Finance. 


a. Can see PS data: Finance transactions are classified as Other Objects (OO) or Personel Services (PS) based on the OC code. OC codes 11, 12, and 13 are PS codes.

b. Can see employee Salary: This allows users to view the salary data columns for the PS Projection report found under the Planning Tab.

c. Can edit users: Allows a user to modify other user's Finance privileges (like you are doing now :)) 

d. Can edit Allocations: This allows a user to modify Allocations under the Planning Tab

e. Can edit Budgets: This allows users to modify Budgets and Multi-Year accounts (CRADA Gift Fund and Unconditional Gift Funds)

f. Can edit Projections: This allows a user to modify the projection amount under the Planning tab.

g. Can define Categories: This allows a user to define custom categories that are used system-wide.

h. Can run system utilities: This allows a user the ability to re-run the download or perform a system re-sum.

4. Set up the user's preferences for when the user first logs into the system. These preferences can be modified by the user themselves late. 

a. Category Group: Select the category group that will be used for reports (Balance of Accounts and Category Details). The category groups are defined by users who Can define category privileges. 

b Home Screen: Select what screen will be the users landing page when they log in. 

c. Always display current FY upon logging in (Y/N)

5. Edit the user's View Rights 

See the article on how to edit View rigths for more details.