The standard filters on the position list work together to refine your results. As you set a value for one filter it will limit the influence of the remaining filters.

The basic filters are 

Position Type


Date Range


Position Type:

All Staff: Includes all position types, including FTE and Non-FTE. 

FTEs: Includes standard GS employees, Commission Core, and Title 42.




Fellows: Includes Summer Students, IRTA's, and all other fellows 


The status filter is used to capture a group of employees based on their status during the selected timeframe. 

Accessions: The employee is new to the Institute. This can include any position type and is not limited to FTE's. An employee can be considered an Accession more than once. If an employee leaves the IC for any period of time and then later returns, the employee would be considered an accession for a second time. This filter does not include employees who change positions or position types during their tenure at the IC.

Active: Includes all employee positions that are active at the IC during the selected timeframe. Please note that if an employee has a depart date, Official NTE date, or Planned NTE date that is in the past the employee will not be included as Active. A common issue is when a Planned NTE date is not updated and the employee is marked as departed by the system.

Active + Recruits + Vacancies: Includes all Active employees similar to the above definition but also includes planning records with a future start date regardless of the date range filter.

Conversion to FTE: Includes employees that have converted from any position type other than an FTE to an FTE. In other words, any employee that changed from a Contractor, Guest, Volunteer, or Fellow to an FTE position.  Note that this filter is strongly tied to the date range filter as the previous position and new FTE position must both happen during the selected time frame. 

Departures: Employees that have a depart date (Depart Date, Offical NTE date, Planned NTE date) within the selected date range. 

Filled UnOffical: All positions that do not have an official merge source and therefore can be deleted. These positions may have a name associated with the record if a Beacon user has filled that information. 

Recruits + Vacancies: Includes all planning records that are currently active (have a start date in the past without a departure date) and planning records with a future start date. 

Date Range:


Current FY (10/1/xxxx - today)

Current CY (1/1/xxxx-today)

Previous Fiscal Year

Previous Calendar Year

Last FTE PP: based on the last download from EHCM. 


Current FY+Future


Search for positions within certain organizations.  You can either filter by the organization acronym or the organization admin code.  Type the name of the organization or the admin code in the filter results box. Here are examples of accepted search terms:

HNXReturns only positions part of HNX

HNX*Returns positions in any admin code that starts with HNX

HNX1+HNX2*Returns positions in HNX1 and in any admin code that starts with HNX2

Official / Modifiable:

Toggle between Official and Modifiable data. If a Beacon user has modified an employee record, then Beacon stores two unique values for that data point. 

  • Official - From an official source record (EHCM, CC Pay, NED, FPS, NFNIS)
  • Modifiable - Edited by a user from a Beacon record

For example, if a user updates an employee Position title from Admin Officer to Administrative Officer, then if you toggle the Offical data, you will see Admin Officer, and if you toggle Modifiable, you will see Administrative Officer 


Each of the basic filters works in conjunction with one another. Below are a few examples of how these filters work together. 

All FTEs that are onboard as of Today. 

All FTEs that were onboard since 10/1. This search may include employees that have departed and are no longer at the IC. This search may also include multiple records for a single employee. 

All FTE's that departed since the Last FTE pay period. This will include anyone with a depart date or Offical NTE date since the Last FTE Pay Period downloaded. 

All Fellows that onboarded to the IC since the beginning of the Calendar Year in admin code HNC1 and all of its children. 

All employees that converted from a Contractor, Volunteer, Guest, or Fellow to an FTE last Fiscal Year in the admin code HNC1. Note that for Conversion to FTE it is important to use a past date range.