When you are anticipating an employee's departure you can utilize Beacon to calculate the upcoming Lump Sum Leave Pay. The Lump Sum Pay calculator calculates 

To calculate the Lump Sum Leave Pay navigate to the employee's profile page and then click the FTE and Cost tab on the left.

From the FTE and Cost screen enter the expected depart date in the depart date cell. Note in some cases this data may already be populated if the official data is already available. 

Next checkmark the Leaving Gov't button and enter the number of Leave hours the employee has accumulated in the Balance cell. If the employee will earn additional hours from now until their departure, enter those hours in the To be Earned cell. After you are finished, click Save Modification to Current. 

Note: The system recalculates the total projected payroll every 15 minutes. Therefore, after saving your modifications give the system time to recalculate. 

After the system has been calculated you will notice that the remaining projected cost will increase. for both the salary and benefits. This adjustment will be made at the bottom of the FTE and Cost details page. You can also click on the Projection dollar amount to see the extra line item added for the Lump Sum pay. All summary level Projection reports will also be updated with the new calculation.