Travel Events are the parent data entry that links all future Travel Requests. When submitting a travel request the Conference information must first be entered under the Manage Conference Travel events page before the Travel request can be made. Multiple travel requests can link to a single Conference Travel Event. For example an NIH meeting may be attended by a variety of employees across multiple divisions from the IC. The information about the event, including the conference dates and website, will be entered once while multiple travel requests can be made that reference the Conference Travel event information.

To Create a parent Conference Travel Request that subsequent Planning Requests can be created from click the Manage Travel Events Button and select Manage Travel Events

From the manage travel events page, you can search for previously created Travel events or create a new Travel Event. Remember, all requests must link to a parent Travel Event.

Before creating a new Travel event use the search feature to confirm the event has not been previously created. The search bar immediately filters the results for events that contain the word entered anywhere in events information. For example in the below screenshot we have searched by the word cyber and the software has found an event titled cyber security and an event with a description that referenced cyber security 

If you have confirmed that the event has not already been entered you can begin creating a new travel event. 

Click the +Create Conference Travel event button 

From the pop-up modal enter the information that you have regarding the event including the Title, Website, Start/End date, Registration Deadline and Description. The OFM conference ID may be entered later once that information is provided by OFM. Click Create Event to Save

To edit the details of an event click the blue title of the event. Make the require edits and click "Save Event"

*Note that the details entered here will auto-populate when you or another user create an individual Travel Request. 

To delete an event, click the red X on the far right of the screen