The alerts and notifications module enables users to subscribe to automatically receive notification of important events in the application. By default, new notifications will appear on the “My Alerts” page. The “My Alerts” page allows users to have a central place to manage all alerts. Users can also opt to have their alerts delivered via email.

Every night the system will scan the database and search for any events that meet the alert conditions you have signed up for. If any exist, the system will automatically list these alerts on the “My Alerts” page. If you have signed up to receive emails, a notification will also be sent to your inbox. Each alert (by email or on the main Alerts page) includes an active link to take users directly to the relevant record in Beacon HR.


There are multiple alert conditions pre-defined in the system, and users can customize their subscription to these alerts by specifying lead times and filtering by organizations

To enroll in notifications:

  1. In the main header bar click on the Notifications tab.  
  2. From the Notifications page, click on the Manage My Alert Subscriptions hyperlink.
  3. On the Subscriptions, click on the Add New Alert Subscription hyperlink.
  4. At the Subscription Editor page you can select the alert subscription you would like to enroll in from the defined alerts dropdown list.  Then select if you would like to receive email notifications, Filter Alerts on Organizations, set Lead times, and then click Save Subscription