Users can adjust the list of Positions that appear on the main page to meet their needs using the following search conditions.

  • Search by Position Type – Find FTEs, Contractors, Guests, Volunteers, and Fellows. 
  • Search by Status and Date Range – Generate a list of positions that meet certain status criteria from a relative date range.  These two filters work hand-in-hand.
  • Search by Organization – Search for positions within certain organizations.  You can either filter by the organization acronym or the organization admin code.  Type the name of the organization or the admin code in the filter results box. Here are examples of accepted search terms:

HNXReturns only positions part of HNX

HNX*Returns positions in any admin code that starts with HNX

HNX1+HNX2*Returns positions in HNX1 and in any admin code that starts with HNX2

Office of the Director 

  • Search by available Column values – You can search for any data element within one of your selected columns

Once you have defined how you would like to search your set of positions, click “Search”.  Each one of the applied filters will show below with an to the right of the filter.  To remove a filter click on the X.