The Column Preferences option lets you customize your Account Structure screen by adding or removing columns, re-ordering your columns, and creating custom columns.



How to Edit the Columns on Accounts Screen

To start, click the Edit Columns Icon to open the edit columns modal.

This will open a modal with all displayed columns on the left and all available columns on the right. 

To add a new column 

    Drag and drop columns from the right side to the left side to add columns 

To remove a column

    Drag columns from the left side to the right side to remove columns. 

To reorganize columns

    Drag and drop columns on the left-hand side up or down to reorganize the order of columns.

When you have finished editing your columns click Save Column Preferences


How to Add/Edit a New Custom Column:

From the Column Preferences pop-up, select the Edit Custom Column tab. 

To add a new column, click the +New button.

To edit an existing column, click on the pencil icon

Regardless of if you are creating a new column or editing an existing column, you will fill in the data for your column on the right-hand side.

  • Column Name: This will be the title of the new data column that appears on your Accounts page
  • Result Formula:
    • Currency: The formula will result in a dollar amount. For example: Obligations + Commitments
    • Percent: The formula will result in a percentage. For example: Obligations / Allocations
    • Decimal: The formula will result in a decimal. (This is very similar to Percent)
  • Define Formula: To build a new formula, use the available columns, mathematical functions, and numeric values found on the right-hand side of the window. 
    • For example, click Obligations to add this data point into the formula. Next, click on the + sign. Next, click on the Commitments column. These steps will build the formula for Obligations + Commitments. If you make a mistake while creating your formula, click the Clear Formula button to start over. 
  • IC Wide: If you are a system admin, you can checkmark IC Wide"? to make this formula available to all users at your IC. 
  • Click Save Custom Column

After creating a column, you will still need to add the new column from the "Select/Order Columns" tab. See the steps on how to add a column from the above section. 

Note: Custom columns will be marked with a C, and IC wide columns will be marked with an ICW.